You’ve been eyeing succulents for a long time, and you just can’t resist their unique beauty and resilience.
You want to bring the perfect houseplant home but fear you don’t have what it takes to keep them alive.
Don’t worry – with some basic know-how and these 9 plant care tips, you’ll be able to care for your succulents like a pro.
From choosing the right succulents to providing the proper amount of water and sunlight, you can give your beloved plants everything they need to thrive.
So go ahead – start adding some lush greenery to your home with these tips for keeping succulents alive!

9- Easy Tips to Help You Keep Your Succulents Alive and Thriving
Choose the right succulents
When selecting your succulents, make sure to choose plants that are suited to your local climate and environment.
Many species of succulents prefer bright and indirect sunlight, so be sure to pick ones that can handle the amount of direct light in your home or outdoor space.
Provide enough light
Succulents thrive in bright, indirect light to stay healthy and vibrant.
Depending on the type of succulent you have, you may need to rotate it regularly to ensure that all sides are getting adequate exposure to the sun.

Use the Right Potting Soil
Succulents prefer potting soil that is well-draining, so it’s important to choose the right mix.
You can find pre-made mixes or make your own at home with sand and perlite.
Most succulents will do great in the premade cactus soil you can find at your local nursery.

Water more, but less frequently
When you do water, make sure to give the plants a good soak and then let them dry out before watering again.
When watering succulents, make sure to give them enough water so that they can penetrate all the way through their roots and stem.
Be careful not to over-water, as this can cause root rot.
Avoid glass containers(or anything that doesn’t drain)
Succulents need well-draining soil, so it’s best to avoid planting them in glass containers or any other type of vessel that doesn’t allow for proper drainage.
Be sure to plant succulents in pots that have drainage holes.

Fertilize Succulents
Fertilize your succulents regularly to give them an extra boost.
Cacti and succulent fertilizers are available at most garden centers, or you can make your own using compost or fish emulsion.
Provide Shade
If you’re growing succulents outdoors, make sure to give them some shade during the hottest part of the day.
This will help keep their leaves from burning and drying out.

Allow for air circulation
It’s important to provide adequate air circulation for your succulents.
This can be done by placing the plants in a spot where there is good airflow or using a fan.
Air circulation helps keep the soil dry and prevents rot.
Also make sure to not overcrowd your succulents as this can cause them to become stressed and increase their chances of catching diseases.
Taking proper care of your succulents will ensure they stay healthy and vibrant!
Prune and trim
Succulents can benefit from regular pruning and trimming.
This helps to keep them looking healthy, encourages new growth, and prevents the plants from becoming overgrown.
Prune off any dead or discolored leaves, as well as branches that are overcrowded or growing in an unnatural shape.

Best varieties for beginners
Not all succulents are created equal, so it’s important to choose the right varieties for your home and lifestyle.
Some of the best beginner-friendly succulents include:
With the right care and attention, these plants can last for years!

Best indoor succulents
If you’re looking for the best indoor succulents, consider some of these popular varieties:
Senecio rowleyanus (String of Pearls),
These are all easy-to-care-for succulents that can thrive in both direct sunlight and lower light levels.

Best outdoor succulents
If you’re looking for the best outdoor succulents, consider varieties like:
Cylindropuntia imbricata (Cholla cactus),
Sedum spurium (Dragon’s Blood Stonecrop).
These varieties can tolerate both sun and shade, making them perfect for outdoor gardens and planters.
No matter what type of succulent you choose, proper care is essential to keeping your plants healthy and vibrant.
Be sure to provide each one with the right soil, water, sunlight, and air circulation.
With the right care, you can have a beautiful succulent garden that will last for years!

How to build an indoor succulent garden
If you want to create an indoor succulent garden but don’t have a lot of space, try making a miniature terrarium with rocks and succulent soil.
You can also use wall-mounted planters or stackable containers to create a unique and eye-catching design.
When building your succulent garden, make sure to choose a variety of colors and textures that will create an interesting effect.
Additionally, be sure to allow for proper air circulation so the plants don’t get too hot or humid. With the right care and attention, your indoor succulent garden can be a beautiful addition to any space!

Planting succulents in hanging baskets
Hanging baskets are an ideal choice for those who want to bring some of the outdoors into their home.
Succulents make for a great addition to hanging baskets because they don’t need a lot of moisture or fertilizer.
When planting succulents in hanging baskets, make sure to use well-drained soil and be sure to water them when the soil is completely dry.
Additionally, consider adding some moss or other foliage to the basket for extra color and texture.
How to keep succulents alive indoors
Keeping succulents alive indoors requires a bit of extra care and attention.
The key is to provide the right amount of light, water, and air circulation for each type of plant.
If you have natural sunlight near your windows, that can be perfect for certain types of succulents.
If not, consider investing in an adjustable grow light or an LED light panel.
Be sure to water your succulents only when the top layer of soil is completely dry.
Like us humans succulents like some breathing room. Be sure to not crowd them but also not too close to a window with frequent cold drafts.

How to keep succulents alive outdoors
Outdoor succulents will need adequate sunlight, water, and air circulation in order to thrive.
When planting your succulents outdoors, it’s essential to choose a spot with well-draining soil and plenty of sunshine.
It’s also important to water them regularly (but not too often!) – consider using a drip irrigation system or sprinkler if you have a large garden.
Be sure to keep air flowing around the plants by avoiding overcrowding and using stakes and supports where necessary.
We would recommend when purchasing a new plant to keep it in the pot for a week or two in the area you want to plant it. This allows the plant to acclimate and get used to its new environment before planting.

How much sun do succulents need?
Depending on the variety, succulents may need anywhere from two to four hours of direct sunlight per day.
If you’re unsure how much your plants need, take a look at their leaves – if the color is fading or the leaves are wilting, it could be a sign that they need more light.

How often should I water my succulents?
It’s important not to over-water your succulents – doing so can cause the plant to rot.
Generally speaking, most succulents need only to be watered every two to three weeks. Be sure to test the soil first and water only when it is completely dry.
For indoor plants, you can use a spray bottle to mist the leaves occasionally – this helps to provide extra moisture without overwatering.
Should you water succulents with tap water?
Tap water is safe to use for succulents, but it may contain chemicals that can build up over time.
For best results, we recommend using filtered or distilled water. This will help ensure your plants don’t get too much of any one element and stay healthy!

Final Thoughts
You now have everything you need to grow succulents successfully! With the right care and attention, your indoor or outdoor succulent garden can be a beautiful addition to any space.
Whether you prefer hanging baskets or potted plants, there are so many possibilities when it comes to adding life and beauty to these unique plants.
So go ahead – take the plunge and give your succulents the love they deserve!
With a little bit of know-how, you can create a thriving oasis with these hardy, low-maintenance plants. Good luck and enjoy!